by Damien Regout
Dec. 26, 2020
Every house should be equipped with a fire extinguisher. This would reduce the risk of fire spreading to all rooms. The stat...
by Damien Regout
22 Dec. 2020
What's a POP fire extinguisher? They are simply designer fire extinguishers that use all the codes of Pop Art. Shimmering colours and a...
by Damien Regout
Dec. 16, 2020
Un extincteur a toujours été un objet utile en rouge et qui ne sert qu’à éteindre le feu. Actuellement, ce dispositif est très en vogue en tant qu’...
by Damien Regout
Dec. 11, 2020
Do you want to give your decoration a makeover? It's a good time to do so. Why not revolve it around a colourful fire extinguisher, with...
by Damien Regout
Dec. 7, 2020
Although practical, the standard fire extinguisher is often unsightly. While its presence is reassuring in places where it is mandatory, its appearance ties it...
by Damien Regout
Nov. 12, 2020
A fire extinguisher in the house is necessary to protect against fire. Indeed, this material proves to be very efficient...
by Damien Regout
Nov. 9, 2020
The law requires that company buildings must have easily accessible fire extinguishers. The choice of fire extinguishing equipment is, to a large extent, a matter of...
by Damien Regout
Nov. 6, 2020
The need to install a fire extinguisher in the house is not a legal requirement. It limits the risk of fire, because this equipment...
by Damien Regout
Nov. 2, 2020
The installation of a fire extinguisher in the home is essential as this equipment can help contain a fire. In order to ensure the effecti...
by Damien Regout
Oct. 28, 2020
Unlike installing a smoke detector, having a fire extinguisher in your home is not a legal requirement. This...
by Damien Regout
Oct. 25, 2020
The office is often considered a second home, as we spend as much time there as we do at home. It is therefore normal to keep an eye on...
by Damien Regout
Oct. 16, 2020
The number of domestic fires has been rising steadily in Belgium since 2015. This increase can be explained by the increase in the number of fireplaces....
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